Los comparativos en inglés | Lectura


Lee la siguiente lectura e identifica las formas comparativas de los adjetivos que se encuentran en cada oración Luego escribe todos los verbos que pudiste identificar en la sección de comentario para que podamos evaluarte.

Title: My Vacation

Last summer, my family and I went on a vacation to a beautiful beach. It was a small town called Sunnyville. We had a great time exploring the sandy beaches and swimming in the clear blue ocean.

The weather was hotter than usual, and we enjoyed the warm sun on our skin. We played beach volleyball and built sandcastles. My sister, Anna, and I had a competition to see who could build the taller sandcastle. Anna won because she is more creative than me.

We also went snorkeling to see the colorful fish and coral reefs. It was an amazing experience! I was a bit scared at first, but my dad encouraged me, and I became braver as we went along.
In the evenings, we walked along the beach and watched the beautiful sunset. The sky turned shades of orange and pink, and it was the most stunning sight I had ever seen.

During our trip, we tried the local food, such as fresh seafood and tropical fruits. The seafood was tastier than anything I had ever eaten before. We also learned a few phrases in the local language, and it was fun to communicate with the friendly locals.

Overall, our vacation was fantastic. It was the best trip ever, and I can't wait to go on another adventure with my family soon!

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